Frequently Asked Question

Why Aren't All Local Fire Departments Listed on your VFD News Page?
Last Updated 5 years ago

A Volunteer Fire Department or Rescue Squad may not have their news headlines listed on our special VFD News Index for one or more reasons:

  • They may not have a web site.
  • They may not have current news posted on their website.
  • The news on their site may not be in a format that readily lends itself to be included in our index.
If you maintain a local emergency services web site and would like your news included in our index, please contact us.

If you need a website solution for your VFD, we recommend FireHouse Solutions. They're a locally owned and operated company (based in Leonardtown). Their system is news-friendly and we can guarantee that your news will be included in our index.
Firehouse Solutions

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