Frequently Asked Question

Can I contribute Photographs to
Last Updated 6 years ago

The best way to showcase your photographs on is to either post them in the Community Forums or the Media Gallery.

Please consider the following:

  1. Please be sure the photos are relevant to southern Maryland. Other users may not enjoy the photos of your trip to Disney World as much as you did.
  2. Please resize to a reasonable dimensions before uploading. We typically suggest that the maximum width or height be no more than 1024 pixels.
  3. If you have a large number of photos on a particular subject, you'll get the best results by posting some of your best work and then linking back to your personal online gallery that users can visit if they would like to see more.
  4. Please include a description of the photo. Some folks have used the filename as the title and provided no additional information. Unfortunately, the search engines can't do much with just DSC9999.JPG.

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