Frequently Asked Question
How Do I renew my classified ad?
Last Updated 5 years ago
You can renew existing ads for either 30 days BEFORE the ad expires or 30 days AFTER the ad has expired.
Note: The following instructions are intended for a PC. The user interface on Mobile Devices varies depending upon the resolution of your screen. For best results, use a PC.
Renew an Ad Before it Expires:
Renew an Ad for up to 30 Days After it Expires:
Note: The following instructions are intended for a PC. The user interface on Mobile Devices varies depending upon the resolution of your screen. For best results, use a PC.
Renew an Ad Before it Expires:
- Go to My Account
- Click on My Active Listings
- Click on the Link to Manage This Listing for the desired ad.
- Click on the icon to Renew the ad and complete the process.
- If you need to make changes to the ad, you can edit the ad after it has been renewed.
Renew an Ad for up to 30 Days After it Expires:
- Go to My Account
- Click on My Expired Listings
- Click on the Link to Manage This Listing for the desired ad.
- Click on the icon to Renew the ad and complete the process.
- If you need to make changes to the ad, you can edit the ad after it has been renewed.