Frequently Asked Question

How Do I renew my classified ad?
Last Updated 5 years ago

You can renew existing ads for either 30 days BEFORE the ad expires or 30 days AFTER the ad has expired.

Note: The following instructions are intended for a PC. The user interface on Mobile Devices varies depending upon the resolution of your screen. For best results, use a PC.

Renew an Ad Before it Expires:

  1. Go to My Account
  2. Click on My Active Listings
  3. Click on the Link to Manage This Listing for the desired ad.
  4. Click on the icon to Renew the ad and complete the process.
  5. If you need to make changes to the ad, you can edit the ad after it has been renewed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you renew an ad before it expires, you will not be able to change any of the paid options for the ad. You will have to renew with the same options currently in place for the ad. You can however upgrade the ad after it has been renewed to add paid options.

Renew an Ad for up to 30 Days After it Expires:

  1. Go to My Account
  2. Click on My Expired Listings
  3. Click on the Link to Manage This Listing for the desired ad.
  4. Click on the icon to Renew the ad and complete the process.
  5. If you need to make changes to the ad, you can edit the ad after it has been renewed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the option to renew the ad is not available, you can still use the Copy To New Listing function.

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